Monday, August 29, 2016

First Day Fun!

I had a wonderful time getting to know everyone today!  We went over some ALERT staples, talked a little about why we are here and rights as a gifted learner, and did a pre-assessment for our numeration math unit.  Students had some creative answers for the This or That get to know you game.  Hopefully it prompts some entertaining dinner conversation when it comes home next week. Finally we searched the room for clues leading us to the "Key to Success"  this year in ALERT. Student solved codes and puzzles highlighting some of the things they will experience in our classroom through the course of the year.  They managed to beat the clock and uncover the hidden key: Curiosity!  Next week we will look more into our year-long theme of exploration.
Our ALERT banner

Pouring over a clue.

Cracking the lock code.

Revealing the Key to Success!